Your Support Changes LivesNew life, quality care.
The children in this ministry come out of some of the most extreme circumstances. Most of the children come to the ministry having never attended a day of school. Instead, they often live in severe poverty, afflicted with malnutrition, and have suffered abuse. Under the care of Freedom Global Outreach, these children thrive in safe, loving homes of faith. All of the home are built steps away from the school and church that they attend. $130 covers all the costs for one child’s quality housing in a fully-staffed government approved homes, medical care for physical needs, and education in nationally recognized schools.
Low cost, direct impact.
Thanks to a team of devoted volunteers in Canada and the United States, Freedom Global Outreach has been able to keep the operational and administrative costs low. And by God’s grace we are committed to keeping it that way. Operational and administrative costs cover banking and tax receipt expenses. Keeping these costs low and depending on the work of volunteers means that your donation makes a direct impact. 98% of all gifts go directly to Haiti for the rescue and care of orphaned and abandoned children.
American Donors
Or mail a check to:
PO Box 563
Shippensburg, PA 17257
Become a partner today.
Our committed donors have supported us through one-time gifts and through recurring monthly sponsorship. Donations of $30 or more offer the opportunity for partial child-sponsorship. Partial child-sponsors will have the privilege to correspond with a child in Freedom Global Outreach. A gift of $130 or more offer the opportunity for a full child-sponsorship. Full child-sponsors will also have the privilege of correspondence with a child in Freedom Global Outreach. Many churches have chosen to support Freedom Global Outreach through one time gifts and by adding this Christian ministry to their monthly missions budget. The links below will direct you to secure donation pages and contact pages.
Freedom Global Outreach is a Christian ministry. Consider joining the other churches that have added Freedom Global Outreach to your church’s mission budget.

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