“There is an estimated 430,000 orphaned or abandoned children in this nation many who are used as childhood slaves. We’re in Haiti because we want to provide rescue for as many as these children as we possibly can for God’s glory. ” – Dave Lock, Founder
How to Get Involved
Please pray for the kids’ health, safety, growth, and transitions (children who graduate from the house and transition into post secondary school, society, and the workforce). Our staff covet your prayers as well.
There are several ways to give: mail a check, donate online, or send through online banking or email transfer.
We often coordinate short-term missions. Contact us for more information.

The Latest from Freedom Global Outreach
Help with Post Secondary Expenses
We have three girls currently in post secondary school, with three more girls graduating high school at the end of June 2019. If you would like to be a part of a group that is donating towards covering their expenses, please contact us.

Rescue for the oppressed
The nation of Haiti is situated just southeast of Cuba in the heart of the Caribbean. There is a desperate need for orphanage ministries in this country.